If add here then STILL AVAILABLE!! OPEN FOR BUSINESS!! COME CHECK OUT OUR INVENTORY!! Social Distancing practiced and Purell AND Toilet paper on site!! haha!! Give call and or just swing by! www.domn8motors.com 541-914-6223 Thanks for looking Rick Don't miss this one!! At Domn8 Motors we have redefined the entire car purchasing experience. We have built our name on simple principles. Principles like Trust, Truth, Honesty and Integrity. We want to earn your business and build a long lasting relationship. We know that our customers are looking for more than just a deal on a car. We aim to find you the right vehicle at the right price all while providing you a friend in the auto Industry. We want Domn8 Motors to be the clear choice for all you future car buying needs. Domn8 Motors is a small family owned Private Dealer with little to NO overhead!! Hence how we are able to get you a quality Pre-owned vehicles at Wholesale pricing!! for the One on One no hassle experience give us a call, Text or Email!! Thanks for looking Rick 541-914-6223 Domn8 Motors LLC DL0402 Subject to prior sale. The price listed for this vehicle does not include charges such as License, Title, Registration Fees, State or Local Taxes, Finance Charges, Optional Credit or Liability Insurance, Delivery Fee, and State Documentary Service Fee. The Dealership makes no representations, expressed or implied, to any actual or prospective purchaser or owner of this vehicle as to the existence, ownership, accuracy, description or condition of this vehicle's listed equipment, accessories, price or any warranties. Vehicle Pricing - Where permitted by law, all dealer fees and amounts must be disclosed in a clear, conspicuous and legible fashion. There are no exclusions. The Dealership is not responsible for typographical errors in price or equipment listed. Any and all differences must be addressed prior to the sale of this vehicle The front windshield is in excellent condition. The paint has some slight scratches. This vehicle comes with a new set of tires. The interior is clean and in good condition. The exterior is clean and in good condition. The engine is functioning properly and has no issues. This vehicle has no previous collision damage. The transmission shifts very smoothly. The brakes are in great condition. The battery is in excellent condition. The car was previously owned by a non smoker.